NCBI Comparative Genomics Developments :: Publications |
SynoR :: I. Ovcharenko and M.A. Nobrega, Identifying synonymous regulatory elements in vertebrate genomes, Nucleic Acids Research, 33, W403-7, (2005) [PDF]. |
ECR Browser :: I. Ovcharenko, M.A. Nobrega, G.G. Loots, and L. Stubbs, ECR Browser: a tool for visualizing and accessing data from comparisons of multiple vertebrate genomes, Nucleic Acids Research, 32(Web Server Issue), W280-W286 (2004) [PDF] |
Mulan :: I. Ovcharenko, G.G. Loots, B.M. Giardine, M. Hou, J. Ma, R.C. Hardison, L. Stubbs, and W. Miller, Mulan: Multiple-sequence local alignment and visualization for studying function and evolution, Genome Research, 15(1), 184-194, (2005) [PDF] |
zPicture :: I. Ovcharenko, G.G. Loots, R.C. Hardison, W. Miller, Lisa Stubbs, zPicture: Dynamic alignment and visualization tool for analyzing conservation profiles, Genome Research, 14(3), 472-477 (2004) [PDF] |
eShadow :: I. Ovcharenko, D. Boffelli, and G.G. Loots, eShadow: A Tool for Comparing Closely Related Sequences, Genome Research, 14(6), 1191-1198 (2004) [PDF] |
rVista 2.0 :: G.G. Loots and I. Ovcharenko, rVISTA 2.0: evolutionary analysis of transcription factor binding sites, Nucleic Acids Research, 32(Web Server Issue), W217-W221 (2004) [PDF] G.G. Loots, I. Ovcharenko, L. Pachter, I. Dubchak, E.M. Rubin, Comparative sequence-based approach to high-throughput discovery of functional regulatory elements, Genome Research 12(5), 832-839 (2002) [PDF] |
Creme 2.0 :: R. Sharan, A. Ben-Hur, G.G. Loots, and I. Ovcharenko, CREME: Cis-Regulatory Module Explorer for the human genome, Nucleic Acids Research, 32(Web Server Issue), W253-W256 (2004) [PDF] R. Sharan*, I. Ovcharenko*, A. Ben-Hur, R.Karp, CREME: A framework for identifying cis-regulatory modules in human-mouse conserved segments, Bioinformatics, Suppl. 1, i283-i291, (2003) [PDF] |
Array2BIO :: G.G. Loots, P.S. Chain, S. Mabery, A. Rasley, E. Garcia, and I. Ovcharenko, Array2BIO: from microarray expression data to functional annotation of co-regulated genes, BMC Bioinformatics, 7(1), 307 (2006) [PDF] |
ECRbase :: G.G. Loots and I. Ovcharenko, ECRbase: Database of Evolutionary Conserved Regions, Promoters, and Transcription Factor Binding Sites in Vertebrate Genomes, Bioinformatics, 23(1), 122-124 (2007) [PDF]. |
Research based on tools and methods ![]() I. Ovcharenko, L. Stubbs, and G.G. Loots, Interpreting mammalian evolution using Fugu genome comparisons, Genomics, 84(5), 890-895 (2004) [PDF] M. Nobrega*, I. Ovcharenko*, V. Afzal, E. Rubin, Scanning Human Gene Deserts for Long-Range Enhancers, Science 302(5644), 413 (2003) [PDF, Supporting Online Material] D. Boffelli, J. MacAuliffe, D. Ovcharenko, K. Lewis, I. Ovcharenko, L. Pachter, E. Rubin, Phylogenetic analysis of primate sequences reveals functional regions of the human genome, Science, 299(5611), 1391-4, (2003) [PDF] |
Reviews ![]() A. Heller, "Mining Genomes" in the June 2005 issue of the Science and Technology Review LLNL's magazine. I. Ovcharenko and G.G. Loots, Finding the Needle in the Haystack: Computational Strategies for Discovering Regulatory Sequences in Genomes, Current Genomics, 4, 557-568, (2003) [PDF] I. Ovcharenko and G.G. Loots, Comparative Genomics Tools for Exploring the Human Genome. CSHL Symposia on Quantitative Biology; The genome of Homo Sapiens, 68, 283-291, (2004) [PDF] |
CSHL course on Computational Genomics L. Stubbs and I. Ovcharenko, Algorithms for Genome Comparisons, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, November 5-11, 2003. |